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Escola - Taller de costura i patronatge




Sustainable fashion atelier
in Lleida
Are you looking for a wedding, bridesmaid or guest dress?
Do you want to feel yourself on this special day?
You are in the right place!
I want to make you shine like a star on this important day.
We adapt to sustainable fashion. Each piece is handmaade in Lleida, in the neighborhood of Cappont by Cecilia Vergé
We don't hace pieces in stock, we make the to order to help de enviroment and create less waste.
Handmade in our workshop
Escull el teixit i el color, i nosaltres confeccionarem el vestit a mida segons les teves mides. Et recomanem fer la comanda amb 3 o 4 mesos d'antelació per assegurar-te que el vestit estigui llest a temps per a 'ocasió. Tingues en compte que durant la temporada alta (de gener a juliol), el temps de confecció pot ser més llarg, així que és millor que vinguis com abans millor!
Personalised attention
Come to our workshop and you will recive personalised attention, a wonderful experience and a very beautiful memory.
You will be able to enjoy a very personal dress at a price that will surprise you.
Maillots personalitzats
In the atelier we also make competition jerseys for gymnastics, roller or ice skating and competition dance
Choose your design, we take your mesurements and we will make you the perfect competition jersey.
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