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Industrial Patronage Course

About this course 

You will learn how to make your own made-to-mesure base patterns and how to make different pieces and very simple fabrics, including some transformations.



What will you learn?


To take mesuraments

How to make base patterns and transformations 

Assembly of unfinished patterns

Assembley of pieces by machine or dressmaking 

Transformations on paper of different desings on a base pattern

To make a piece of clothing with fabric and sizes



Things you will need to iniciate this course
Pen, pencil and rubber

Paper sissors
Fabric sissors

 50cm ruler

Pins and needles
Tape for paper

Mesuring tape

Sobre aquest curs


Aprendràs a elaborar els teus propis patrons base a mida i a confeccionar-los de diferents peces i teixits molt senzills, incloent algunes transformacions.


Tuesday: 9:30 a 11:30

Tuesday: 16:45 a 18:45

Tuesday: 18:45 a 20:45

Thursday: 16:00 a 18:00

Thursday: 18:15 a 20:15









5 hores_________________________________________45€

10 hores_________________________________________90€

15 hores_________________________________________130€

Health and safety measures in our space:

  • Us of masks is compulsory

  • We have several hygenic points in addition to the entrance with hydroalcoholic gel in all rooms for hand washing before classes or when necessary

  • We recommend that each student brings their own sewing material

  • We have sewing machines but you are welcome to bring your own

  • We suggest that whenever possible, we maintain at least 1m of physical distance between students and common areas

  • If you live with infected people we ask you not to come for the safety of everyone

  • In the bathroom we have hydroalcoholic gel and single use paper towels ans a waste paper basket

  • We have intensified the daily cleaning  and desinfection of the mostsensitive areas such as the furniture, the sewing machines and all the equipment in common use.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

C / Bruc, nº 9 25001 Lleida (Lleida)

Phone: 973 82 73 56

Mobile: 665 44 07 26


* Tailor-made
* Wedding and party dresses
* Tailored men's suits
* Skating and gymnastics jerseys
* Sports dance costumes
* Repairs


* Sew initiation
* Advanced sewing
* Industrial pattern-making




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