Escola - Taller de costura i patronatge
Advanced Course
About this course
Besides knowing how to use the sewing machine, you will learn how to use an overlock to have a better finish on your garment.
It is necessary to have at least the initial course to hace the thechnique. You will always be accompained by a teacher.
What will you learn?
How to sew with an overlock
The parts of the machine and how it works
Threading and winding the bobbin
Different types of stiches, seams and topstitches.
How to join fabrics and overcasting
How to sew edges in different ways to fix the botton of a trourser or any other garment.
How to mark and make buttonholes
French seam

Sobre aquest curs
A més a més de la màquina de cosir, aprendràs com funciona una remalladora per tenir uns acabats millors per les teves peçes de roba. Es necesari tenir al menys el curs inical per tenir la tècnica i sempre estaràs acompanyat/da d'un professor.

Things you will need to inciate the course
Pen, pencil and rubber
Paper sissors
Fabric sissors
Pins and needles
Tape for paper
Pattern paper
Mesuring tape
Tuesday: 9:30 a 11:30
Tuesday: 16:45 a 18:45
Tuesday: 18:45 a 20:45
Thursday: 16:00 a 18:00
Thursday: 18:15 a 20:15
5 hores_________________________________40€
10 hores_________________________________80€
15 hores________________________________115€
Health and safety measures in our space:
Us of masks is compulsory
We have several hygenic points in addition to the entrance with hydroalcoholic gel in all rooms for hand washing before classes or when necessary
We recommend that each student brings their own sewing material
We have sewing machines but you are welcome to bring your own
We suggest that whenever possible, we maintain at least 1m of physical distance between students and common areas
If you live with infected people we ask you not to come for the safety of everyone
In the bathroom we have hydroalcoholic gel and single use paper towels ans a waste paper basket
We have intensified the daily cleaning and desinfection of the mostsensitive areas such as the furniture, the sewing machines and all the equipment in common use.